Your house could become an accident prone area if you fail to fix defective equipment or systems. To keep your house safe, you should conduct a home inspection either by yourself or with the help of a professional house inspector.
But if you are occupying an old house that has not been inspected by a professional house inspector for a long time, it is best that you hire a professional house inspector.
Still, there is no one prohibiting you to do your own home inspection as long as you know what you are doing and you are the type of person who has been completing do-it-yourself home projects for a long time. You can later call for a special inspection for systems and parts that need specialized examination.
Among the appliances and equipment that could cause injury if not maintained or properly operated are gas furnaces, fireplaces, electrical appliances, water heaters, garage doors, stairways, firewalls, safety glass and electrical wirings.
Even safety equipment installed for safety purposes can become causes of accidents. A pressure and temperature relief valve or drain line improperly installed on a heater could make the heater explode. Improper electrical grounding can result in fire or electrocution.
Particularly for older houses, some toxic materials may have been used, such as lead or asbestos. Home safety practices have been constantly changing as improvements in home building technology, building materials, construction standards, building equipment and house construction techniques occur.
During your home inspection, your professional house inspector should be able to point out safety issues and recommend actions for maintenance, further examination, upgrades or repair.
Among the parts and systems that your home inspection specialist should examine are electrical panels, kitchen counter tops, kitchen appliances, the hot water heater system and the surrounding area, the air conditioning system and the surrounding area, the main water line, the garage overhead, service doors and foundation walls.
For older homes, owners are not compelled to make necessary upgrades to comply with new building standards and practices. It is up to the homeowner to implement safety recommendations written in the home inspection report.
Remember, however, that safety issues are major concerns for everyone. The safety of your family is foremost.
No house can be made 100 percent safe, as its use depends on the occupants, but all homeowners can eliminate or reduce risks.
Conduct then your home inspection and look for parts and systems that should to be repaired and made safe.