When you are going to sell your house, do not get complacent just because your house bares well. You may actually have problems beneath it all. Familiarize yourself with these four problems and repair these before attempting to sell the house in order to pass the home inspection process.
Structural damages
Obvious signs of house problems are a slumping roof, cracks in walls or foundations, and uneven floors. Even though these are several conditions that are costly to mend, it is worth it to fix those that only need cosmetic repairs. For roof damages, be sure that your downspouts and gutters are cleaned since these will be checked by the home inspector. He will also find out the situation of the roofing material, regardless if there is no indication of trouble, like water stains. The flashing surrounding the chimney, bricks and mortar will be checked as well for leaks. Have it fixed if you know you have a problem with the flashing.
Plumbing and utilities check
If you have old pipes, you can install new fixtures to divert attention from your old plumbing. Home inspectors check for corroded pipes through examining the water pressure and will try out appliances like the washing machine and dishwashers. For your electrical system, be sure that all sockets are working. The circuit breakers, electrical panels and wiring must all meet existing code standards. Upgrade to a 200-amp service if you do not have one. Also, do not forget to check that your air-conditioning and heating systems are all in working order.
Odor and leaks
If your house smells strange, feels damp, or has mold or mildew, check if there is too much moisture in your basement. Has the floor joists, foundation or rafters been damaged by drainage problems? If the culprit is merely poor ventilation, then you just need a humidifier. Leaky windows and doors need weather stripping, so be sure to fix it before several leaks trigger damage which may be more difficult to fix.
Environmental anxieties
If you think you may have environmental contaminants, it is a good idea to shoulder your own house inspection even before a potential buyer plans for one. A specialized inspection might be needed, for example, if there is suspicion of radon gas present in your house. Look out for lead-based paint, lead or other pollutants in the water, and asbestos.
In case you have concerns about the present condition of your house, it might be a good idea to organize your own home inspection first before selling it to a buyer. Fixing any flaws will hasten a sale and increase your price. Potential buyers must be informed of any defects that you decide not to fix. Usually, the inspection of buyers only request for minor repairs.