Home Inspection Tips for Owners Selling Their Homes

If you are selling your own home, conduct your own home inspection first before listing so that you can identify and correct defects in your house before prospective buyers see them or before buyers’ home inspection experts see them.

There are several parts or systems of a house that prospective buyers are more concerned with over the other parts because they are the most common causes of costly repair expenses. Focus on these parts first.

First, do a home inspection on all parts that usually cause water damage problems. In the kitchen, check under the sinks and make sure there are no leaks. In the bathroom, replace caulking if it is stained. Repaint your bathroom window.

If marks of previous repairs are visible on some walls, check if it is more cost-effective to repaint the walls or just replace the walls.

Secondly, inspect your electrical system. There should be no dangling wires in the house. Electrical outlets should have been properly installed. All electrical appliances and equipment should be working. If you feel you are not qualified to check electrical systems, hire an electrical home inspection specialist.

Next, check your attic. Most buyers require home inspection professionals to particularly evaluate the attic for insulation and ventilation problems.

Another equipment to check is the furnace. Replace the dirty filter. Remove rust on the exterior and interior parts. Replace the humidifier if it is not working. Hire a home inspector professional specializing on furnaces if you have been seeing orange and yellow flames during operation.

After checking major parts of the house, inspect details and do needed repairs.

Check fluorescent lights and switches. See to it that visible wires and cables in your basement are not touching hot air ducts. Open and close windows and doors to make sure they are smoothly operating. Check the locks, door knobs and door stoppers.

Inspect exterior parts and systems. See to it that gutters are not sagging and downspouts are connected to drainage systems. Make sure exterior electrical fixtures are working. Secure hand rails and guards. Replace rotted parts of wooden porches and decks.

If there have been major repairs or upgrades in your house, it is advisable to show prospective buyers repair permits and receipts to assure them of the quality of the work.

Oftentimes the best sources of home inspection information are listing agents. They are the ones talking with prospective buyers and listening to their concerns about homes.

