Before buying a foreclosed house, consider hiring home inspection services that includes environmental inspection to eliminate any potential health hazards in the property.
Do some research about the home inspection company that you are considering to hire. A licensed home inspector is preferable because it somehow indicates that he is competent. The financial liability of the inspector to his client is limited only to the total inspection fee that he received.
Employ a home inspector who is efficient and competent and can provide all important environmental inspections, including radon, lead and water testing, aside from the standard home inspection process. Observe the inspector’s disclosure style and personality and make sure that they meet your expectations.
Choose a general home inspection contingency which would give you 10 days, upon signing of the sales agreement, to hire an inspector to check the house for any mechanical, structural and environmental problems and render a home inspection report after.
See to it that the contingency provides you an option to withdraw from the agreement to buy the house if results of a home and environmental inspection showed that the property is not worth the price you have agreed to pay for. A contingency should also give you an option to ask the home seller to do some necessary repairs.
Most buyers are concerned only of the structure and foundation of the house that most often than not, they give only second thought to having the property check for any environmental hazards.
Several primary environmental and health issues that should be included in the inspection are radon, lead dust, drinking water and molds and mildew.
A safe water for cooking, drinking and bathing is important for you and your family’s health so see to it that the supply in the property you are planning to buy does not contain lead or other contaminants.