Whether you are looking for a home to buy or you are checking how your contractor is building your house, you need the expertise of an experienced licensed house inspector to carry out a full home inspection for you.
You should not rely on the home inspection undertaken by your local building house inspectors. This type of house inspection is just to ensure that basic building laws are not violated, so the basis of their passing grade is just a list of minimum building standards. They do not check the quality or defects of some of major parts of the house.
If you do not know anyone who can be trusted to refer you to a qualified house inspector, choose among professionals in your area who are members of a nationally recognized home inspection association. The American Society of Home Inspectors is well-recommended because it is the oldest and largest association of house inspectors. Before applicants become members, they must first undertake 250 or more paid home inspection procedures and must pass two comprehensive exams. They must keep up with current house inspection knowledge by taking continuing education lessons.
Your home inspection should take at least three hours to complete so your house inspector can check all major systems and essential details. Among the parts inspected thoroughly are the overall structure, building materials, roof, walls and the electrical, heating, cooling and plumbing systems.
Although an errors and omissions insurance or a home inspection warranty is advisable, do not rely too much on either of them and hastily sign the house inspection report or the closing documents. The sorrows and stress you suffer in court and in your house when you later find so many defects cannot be compensated by any settlement that you get.
Never rely on promises made by a seller or builder concerning the repair of any defect that you find before closing. Many sellers and builders have a thousand things to do and they will keep delaying the needed repairs. Tie them to their obligation by not fully paying the house. Talk with your mortgage lender so they can put an amount in escrow to ensure the remediation of any of your problem before the house is fully paid.
If you are building your own house through the services of a contractor, arrange for a regular home inspection as the construction of the house progresses.