Preparing Your House for Home Inspection Services

An integral part of a homes sales agreement is the home inspection report. Depending on which part of the country the transaction will take place, the requirements, before any changing of hands can occur, include submission of either a disclosures report or a full home inspection report on the part of the seller.

In some cases, the buyer or investor would insist on conducting their own home inspection services even if a report has already been provided by the seller. In either situation, preparing yourself and your home before inspectors arrive would definitely pay off and allow you to finally close the sales deal.

First and foremost, take complete note of the schedule and time for the home inspection. It would be best to have the house ready hours before the scheduled time. Some inspectors would deliberately come in early and being prepared hours before can get you ready for any surprise appearances.

The single biggest factor that home inspectors will look for that will give them the most lasting impression is the cleanliness of the home. An immaculate home would reflect on the seller and would actually help them get some good feedback from the inspectors themselves that would definitely tilt in your favor.

If the home for sale is vacant, ensure that utilities and appliances are working properly. It will definitely go to your disadvantage if home inspectors find no electricity to test appliances and other utilities. Remove any clutter particularly around appliances that will hinder inspectors to check them properly. Pilot lights should remain ignited to facilitate inspection of heaters, stoves or furnaces.

Attics and garages should be easily accessed, as well as electrical boxes and other structures unattached to the main house. Provide the inspectors with keys or remote controls for easy and fast access. Nothing should block foundation check points particularly in external portions of the house. Be ready with any repair or upgrade documents should inspectors ask for it. This sort of transparency will reflect well with you.



