Category: Home Inspection Benefits
Home Inspection Prior to Listing Can Benefit Sellers
Home inspection prior to listing can benefit sellers, according to real estate brokers.
Benefits of Mandatory House Inspection
The proposed mandatory house inspection for foreclosure properties and abandoned properties are being opposed by realtors and sellers who believe that mandatory home inspection would hinder the sale of their properties. But builders and contractors who have seen the consequences of unsafe repairs on various house systems reiterate the importance of mandatory home inspection. Mandatory […]
Presale Home Inspection Benefits Both Seller and Buyer
A presale home inspection conducted by a professional home inspector benefits both the buyer and the seller. If you are a seller, you would be able to repair defects previously undetected and remedy problems that could be of much importance to the buyer. Needless to say, there have been many home purchases that fell through […]
Home Inspection Benefits for Both the Seller and Buyer.
With the abundance of foreclosed homes on the market, sometimes it can be daunting and exhilarating for a homebuyer to find one that he will like and buy. After buying the property, he discovered that the house has structural and plumbing problems that need major repairs. He feels cheated then, realizing that the house he […]